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Safety shoes are specially designed to protect the feet, but also the person itself from hazards in the workplace or during leisure time. Unlike "normal" shoes, these safety shoes have various protective features depending on the protection class. Such as toe caps, puncture-resistant soles, anti-slip soles, thermal protection, antistatic, etc.
S1 | S2 | S3 | Men's shoes | Ladies shoes
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It is important to wear safety shoes in the workplace if there is a risk of injury or accident. Common risks and hazards are Falling or falling objects, sharp and pointed objects that could be stepped on, slippery surfaces, chemicals, static discharge, heat or cold and many more. It is important that safety shoes are precisely tailored to the conditions in the workplace to ensure maximum safety.
Our safety low shoes, safety ankle shoes and safety boots are designed to protect your feet from injury in the best possible way. The protective toe caps are made of robust metal, plastic or fiber composite material and can withstand a test energy of 200 joules and a pressure of 15 kN (test requirements). The safety shoes are type-tested in accordance with EN ISO 20345 and comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/425 (personal protective equipment). You can therefore rest assured that you and your feet are well protected at work with our work shoes and that the necessary legal requirements are met.
In addition to safety shoes, our range also includes work shoes and leisure shoes as well as respiratory protection, eye protection, hearing protection, head protection, face protection, hand protection, skin protection, skin cleansing, skin care and corresponding accessories.